Category Archives: Training

CanAm 2025 Sponsors

MSANI would like to thank the following 2025 Conference Sponsors:

Click to register as a Vendor

Past sponsors:

Rural Patrol Drug Interdiction

Monday, May 12 – Wednesday, May 14, 2025, Duluth, MN

The Midwest Counterdrug Training Center focuses National Guard capabilities and assets to facilitate professional development, mitigate training gaps, and increase counterdrug expertise in the LEA and CBO communities in order to build safe and strong communities



Hosted by Minnesota State Association of Narcotics Investigations
Presented by

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Patrol officers, investigators, probation and parole officers, narcotic officers, and tactical teams are often faced with the task of entering a building to serve search and arrest warrants, to carry out hostage rescues, or to conduct welfare checks on elderly persons or the reported victims of violence. Military special operations personnel have to resort to stealth entries to secrete themselves in hostile environments, to conduct sensitive building entries, and to place forward observers and precision shooters. Conservation officers are often required to access areas protected by padlocked gates. This course will introduce students to
basic lock picking skills, as well as a variety of other options for lock bypassing beyond the conventional forced entry. Students will have an opportunity to develop new skills by picking more than 150 different training locks. In addition, important intelligence gathering and preplanning issues will be discussed that facilitate a mission conclusion.

Each student will receive a syllabus which highlights the information presented during the training, their own lock pick set, and a list of suggested specialty tools. All equipment needed during the course will be provided.

DATES: April 8-9, 2019 / 0800-1700 (M/T)
LOCATION: Blue Earth County Justice Center
401 Carver Rd.
Mankato, MN 56001

Fentanyl Officer Safety

This is course is being put on by the Minnesota Association of Narcotics Investigators (MSANI) and is being co-sponsored by the BCA. The northern MN event is also being co-sponsored by the Beltrami County Sheriff Office. This course will cover fentanyl background and history, review street fentanyl and pharmaceutical fentanyl along with numerous fentanyl analogs. The course will also cover routes of exposure and handling procedures in various types of investigations.

Upon completion, the officer will know how to conduct risk assessments to avoid being exposed and how to protect yourself in various types of investigations: possession cases, street sales and bulk sales/lab cases. Officers will have the knowledge and safety procedures to protect themselves on the street from fentanyl exposure.

July 10th 0800-1200 Bemidji State University Hobson Memorial Union 1500 Birchmont Drive Bemidji
July 11th 0800 – 1200 BCA HQ – Auditorium1430 Maryland Ave. E. Saint Paul, MN. 55106
July 11th 1300 – 1700 BCA HQ – Auditorium1430 Maryland Ave. E. Saint Paul, MN. 55106

All Law Enforcement Personnel, to include Supervisors of all levels, Patrol Officers, Narcotics and General Investigators.

Register at the BCA training site by searching for Synthetic Drugs/Fentanyl officer Safety

San Bernardino Terrorist Attack

San Bernardino Terrorist Attack :

From “What Happened?” to Lessons Learned
Wednesday, August 8, 2018

This is a four hour class on the San Bernardino terrorist attack which occurred on December 2, 2015.
Sgt. Gary Schuelke and officers of the San Bernardino Police Department will recount the malicious actions of Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Mailik on the Inland Regional Center (IRC) in San Bernardino, CA.
Victims who survived the violent act will be there to tell their story and give their insight into agency response.

Additional topics covered:

  • How Syed and Tashfeen met, planned & events up to the attack of IRC.
  • Survivor accounts from the terrorist attack on 12/2/2015
  • San Bernadino Police Department Narcotics Unit interactions With Syed and Tashfeen
  • Debrief for law enforcement agencies/personnel and other disciplines who work with crime victims.

San Bernardino Case Study

Event Flier