LE-only details of itinerary:
2016 CANAM TRAINING (May 25-27, 2016)
Grandview Lodge, Nisswa MN
WEDNESDAY May 25, 2016 (Registration opens at 1000)
1000 – 1230 Registration
1100 – 1230 Lunch (provided) and registration
1300 Welcome, presentation of colors and opening remarks
1315 US Attorney Andy Luger District of Minnesota
1345 Consensual Encounters – Det Chad Larner
The utilization of the consensual encounter to exploit criminal activity is utilized by Narcotics Task Force Groups at hotels, motels, truck stops, bus, train and airport facilities as well as parcel facilities. Detective Chad Larner has conducted thousands of consensual encounters with individuals at these locations. During hundreds of those encounters, Detective Larner has uncovered criminal activity and subsequently arrested individuals who were trafficking large amounts of narcotics, weapons, and/or US Currency.
This instruction will be video based. The instruction will focus on relevant legal issues, such as search and seizure law, and emphasize instruction on conducting consent encounters in different transportation settings.
1515 BREAK
1530 Lt Col John Wisniewski MN National Guard Counter Drug
1600 Homegrown Terrorism Jon Watson (FBI)
1730 NNOAC President – Bob Bushman
1800 Intelligence Exchange
1830 Dinner (Beach or inside, weather dependent)
THURSDAY May 26, 2016
0800 – 0945 BREAKOUT SESSION 1
0945 – 1000 Break
1000 – 1200 BREAKOUT SESSION 2
1200 – 1300 Lunch Provided
1300 – 1445 BREAKOUT SESSION 3
1445 – 1500 Break
1500 – 1700 BREAKOUT SESSION 4
1700 Intelligence Exchange
1800 Banquet, board nominations, raffle and awards ceremony (inside)
FRIDAY May 27, 2016
0800 Board Elections
0800 – 1100 General Session Case Study “Operation Denial”.
Canadian Crown Prosecutor, RCMP, North Dakota US Attorney Office, Department of Homeland Security, DEA and the Grand Forks North Dakota Task Force conducted “Operation Denial” which crossed International Borders as well as involved the use of “Bit Coins”. Presentation will focus on the cooperative effort needed to complete the investigation and will explore the use of bit coins in narcotics investigations.
1100 Closing remarks and raffle
1200 Training Concluded
BUTANE HASH OIL – Keith Graves
Course is designed to provide the History of BHO, Different Types of Hashish, Step-by-Step Process on How to Make Butane Hash Oil, Understanding THC, BHO Lab Dangers, Case Debrief of BHO Explosion Resulting in Death of Subject
RACIAL PROFILING & 21st Century Policing– Peter Boyce
This class examines the Supreme Court view of Racial Profiling and gives the street level cop a clearer picture of what the courts consider to be unconstitutional profiling versus appropriate police procedure. The class also highlights the President’s 2015 Task Force on Constitutional Policing that identifies best police practices and offers recommendations on how those practices can promote effective crime reduction while enhancing the community perception of police as guardians and not warriors within their communities.
This class looks at recent high profile events and focuses on recent court decisions that have a direct impact on Constitutional Policing and the Use of Force. Many in the minority community perceive that police officers discriminate against minorities in their law enforcement activities by targeting minorities in disproportionate numbers. Strongly worded policies and procedures related to profiling and discrimination must be adopted and training of all officers within the chain of command must consistently be reinforced to assure that past practices are updated to reflect emerging trends related to the Use of Force.
Drafting and Defending Search Warrants. This class will briefly discuss emerging case law and issues surrounding search warrants. We will discuss applying, executing and defending the warrant in court as well as discuss problem areas to avoid.
CANADIAN “Project Flatlined” – Sgt Will de Groot, Det Nick Leone
After several shottings, fire-bombings and assaults, the Winnipeg Organized Crime Unite initiated a very unique project called “ Flatlined” to target Hells Angels and Red Lined gang members that were using violent act to maintain control of the lucrative drug trade. Project “Flatlined” involved the use of undercover operatives, warrants and privacy act intercepts which led to the arrest and convictions of numerous gang members and the forfeiture of numerous assets. The Red Lined gang and Rock Machine Gang were dismantled as a result of the investigation.
SMACK IS BACK – Richard Moldenhauer
This presentation will discuss the dramatic increase in use of opioid prescription medications and heroin nationally and in Minnesota, Included in the presentation will be statistics on treatment admissions, druguse combinations, and a review of symptoms of intoxication and withdrawal.
This lecture and PowerPoint presentation will provide an overview of Anti-Authority movements and groups in Manitoba and Canada. The presentation will include identifying indicators, officer safety during encounters, investigation tips and U.S. and Canadian statistics.
BREAKING BAD – Craig Hammer
Course is designed to provide the student with an understanding with current trends predominantly with methamphetamine, both domestically and globally. Students will be trained to recognize current meth manufacturing methods, including the common chemicals and hazards. Instructor will also show current smuggling trends as well as the so-called ice recovery and recrystallization labs.
Course will cover the different types of confidential informants, their motives and the use and management of informants during narcotics investigations. We will explore case law and court rulings in regards to the disclosure of informants and what officers and attorneys can do to minimize the exposure of confidential informants when preparing for court hearings.