Fentanyl Exposure

Please see the email below from our Medical Officer, Dr. John Halpin, for important scientific and practical resources on fentanyl exposure among emergency responders:

Over the weekend, the American College of Medical Toxicologists released an authoritative, well-researched position paper on “preventing occupational fentanyl and fentanyl analog exposure to emergency responders.” It can be accessed at the following link:


One key feature of this document is that it clarifies the role of dermal exposure to illicitly-manufactured fentanyl and fentanyl analogs as a health hazard for first responders, noting that dermal toxicity is, in fact, very low for the powdered fentanyl products, and that standard universal precautions, and in some cases an N95 mask for respiratory protection, are sufficient protection for law enforcement and other first responders. It should be noted that NIOSH has recently updated their guidance on this topic, and this guidance can be found at the following link: https://www.cdc.gov/niosh/topics/fentanyl/risk.html

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