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The Fentanyl: The Real Deal

The Fentanyl: The Real Deal video release event is scheduled for 30 August 2018 from 2:00 – 3:30 p.m. EST (1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. CST).

America’s first responders—including law enforcement officers, firefighters, and emergency medical services (EMS) providers—are increasingly likely to encounter fentanyl and other synthetic opioids during the course of their daily activities, such as overdose calls and traffic stops, arrests, and searches.

The video is designed for roll call training and reinforces key messages from the Fentanyl Safety Recommendations for First Responders.

Please feel free to join the launch of the video on livestream at

Chronic State

Chronic State is a new and powerful documentary on the consequences of drug legalization. It was produced by the DrugFree Idaho coalition in Boise, Idaho in partnership with the amazing documentary film team of Ronn Seidenglanz and Tanya Pavlis (

Short Trailer:

Free access to full documentary, “Chronic State” can be found on the DrugFree Idaho website.

The documentary can also be accessed directly from DrugFree Idaho’s Vimeo page.

Chronic State

2/3 of DUIs in CO Test Positive for Marijuana

For Immediate Release:

August 10, 2018

Contact: Justin Luke Riley

New Report: Two-Thirds of DUIs in Colorado Test Positive for Marijuana

More than half admit marijuana use within two hours of getting behind the wheel

(Denver, CO) – In one of the most concerning developments to date, a published report by the state of Colorado found that in 2016, about 73% of some 4,000 drivers charged with driving under the influence tested positive for marijuana. The report, by the Division of Criminal Justice, also revealed that half of the drivers who tested positive were over the legal limit of THC in their blood. That’s the psychoactive compound found in pot. And 53 percent admit they smoked marijuana within two hours of getting behind the wheel.

Smart Approaches to Marijuana (SAM) and affiliate Marijuana Accountability Coalition (MAC) stand in firm opposition to the industry’s lies about marijuana’s effects and incessant promotion of their highly potent products. With 77% pot shops in Colorado already recommending pot to pregnant mothers, this is just one more reason why legalizing the recreational use of marijuana was a step in the wrong direction.

“I have read thousands of research reports over the last 25 years – and this one is one of the most alarming,” said Dr. Kevin Sabet, founder and president of SAM. “To make matters worse, marijuana impairment is most likely underrepresented in data due to the fact that it is so hard to gauge. Other states considering legalization must pump the breaks and take note of such damning reports.”

Since legalization in Colorado, the marijuana industry has created a whole host of issuesincluding the targeting of minorities and children, workforce problems, a thriving black market, and increased poison control center calls and emergency room visits.

“Each day, the marijuana industry in Colorado gives the rest of the nation one more lesson to learn from,” said Justin Luke Riley, founder of the MAC – a marijuana industry watchdog in Colorado. “The MAC will continue to work to shine a light where Big Marijuana doesn’t want it shown.”


Sentencing Guidelines’ Possibly Modifying Policy

Dear Criminal Justice Stakeholders, Meeting Notice Subscribers, and Commission Members:

The Chair of the Minnesota Sentencing Guidelines Commission is requesting input from various criminal justice stakeholders regarding the pros and cons of adopting one or more possible modifications to the Sentencing Guidelines’ criminal history score policy. For further explanation and details, please refer to the memo to stakeholders here.

The next MSGC meeting will take place in St. Paul on September 13, 2018 at 1:30 p.m. If you have input, please provide it to us at the meeting. (If you wish to speak at the meeting, Staff requests that you send us advance notice by e-mail at If you have written comment for the Commission, please submit it to MSGC staff by e-mail or U.S. mail by September 5, 2018.

Minnesota Sentencing Guidelines Commission

658 Cedar Street, Suite G-58, St. Paul, MN 55155

Main: 651-296-0144 |