Sentencing Guidelines’ Possibly Modifying Policy

Dear Criminal Justice Stakeholders, Meeting Notice Subscribers, and Commission Members:

The Chair of the Minnesota Sentencing Guidelines Commission is requesting input from various criminal justice stakeholders regarding the pros and cons of adopting one or more possible modifications to the Sentencing Guidelines’ criminal history score policy. For further explanation and details, please refer to the memo to stakeholders here.

The next MSGC meeting will take place in St. Paul on September 13, 2018 at 1:30 p.m. If you have input, please provide it to us at the meeting. (If you wish to speak at the meeting, Staff requests that you send us advance notice by e-mail at If you have written comment for the Commission, please submit it to MSGC staff by e-mail or U.S. mail by September 5, 2018.

Minnesota Sentencing Guidelines Commission

658 Cedar Street, Suite G-58, St. Paul, MN 55155

Main: 651-296-0144 |

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